Genuine Fur is a Green Resource, Faux Fur is a Carcinogenic Pollutant

We picked some Styrofoam trash out the river while trapping beav. Genuine fur is a green, naturally recurring, near infinite, renewable resource from which not only high fashion can be attained, but fur is also a highly effective and utilitarian clothing that excels at keeping relatively weak, soft, and nearly hairless humans warm in conditions that could potentially literally freeze the blood in our veins before we finish dying. Faux fur is not only derived from petroleum, a finite resource, but its production is caustic, its components are carcinogenic, and when you throw it away it could take up to a thousand years to decompose, during which time it is a toxic microplastic floating around the Earth shortening the lifespan of anything that crosses its path. Beaver makes a fine specific example, but many points made can be extrapolated to o...