Memories, Birds, and Berries

My oldest is an aspiring Dall Sheep hunter. I failed to realize there was a youth early season, and couldn't figure a place to take him that wouldn't be a circus on such late notice. So we decided to go caribou hunting by river boat. This particular venture was with an old beer can 18 foot Ouachita flat bottom, powered by a thirty five horse Swamp Runner longtail. The start of the trip was pretty uneventful, though the kid let the boat float into the river when I bumped it off the trailer. I had told him to grab the anchor line so that very thing wouldn't happen when dumped it from the trailer, but thankfully we had an on beach wind. Could have gone very differently if the wind wasn't so favorable. We spent two days motoring nearly 120 miles from the ramp. It was pretty smokey, was a bit disconcerting, but not enough to stop us. It was really nice when it cleared up. This spot here yielded several grayling that made...